Day 31-Not Finished

"Oh, my what happened to you?
I'm not finished."
....from the movie Edward Scissorhands
One last quote. And I've chosen a little bit of a strange movie, since it is October 31st and all.
And yes, it is a Johnny Depp movie.
This is Frankensteinlike story of a person named Edward played by Johnny Depp created by an inventor, played by the one and only Vincent Price. The inventor dies before finishing his creation, leaving Edward with scissors for hands. He continues to live alone until one day a door to door Avon representative (Peg) finds him and decides to bring him home with her to live.
Just like the story of Frankenstein, things don't go well with Edward living among people.
The quote is said in the beginning of the movie when Peg first finds him. She asks what happened to him and Edward answers "I'm not finished."
For Edward not being finished turned out to be a bad thing. Without normal hands, he is unable to do the simplest of things, like dress himself. He also is unable to get close to anyone physically without running the risk of injuring them.
For us, we can rely on what scripture says about our completion.

Philippians 1:6(NLT) And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

God has promised that the work he started with us, will be completed.
Even if it takes until the day Jesus returns to do it.
In the meantime, He is constantly at work in our lives. Teaching and guiding, giving knowledge and wisdom always to fulfill his calling and plan for our lives.
As long as we continue to abide in Him, we don't have to worry about being abandoned in an incomplete state.
When we utter the words, "I'm not finished" it isn't negative.
For us, it is a hopeful statement.
Because if he isn't finished with us, then we can take joy in the fact that no matter what state we are in, or how much we mess up, eventually we will be all we are meant to be.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and read these posts. I hope you were inspired in a way that is new for you.
I hope that we have gained some new insight into seeing God at work around you.
There is still time to enter the drawing. Just leave a comment on this post, and on everyone post for the whole month.
You can access the beginning of the series here.


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